The world of The Magical Typewriter is a rich, vibrant, and beautiful place full of adventure and things to do. Many different objects in the world can be interacted with interesting ways. You can cast different spells with magic wand, fly with your broomstick, write with the magical typewriter to earn coins and brew magic potions. So start your adventure in the magical world now and meet many different characters in your journey.
• Take care of your pet owl
• Use a magic wand to cast spells
• Explore in the magical world
• Chat with players world wide and write in the guestbook
• Meet characters and creatures
• Fly on broomstick
• Brew magic potions and use them
• Solve puzzles and do challenges
• Play piano, chess and other fun things
• Type with the magical typewriter for coins and glory
The Magical Typewriter Screenshots
The Magical Typewriter Video Trailer or Demo
The Magical Typewriter Permissions:
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Android Everyone
Android 4.0 and up
The Magical Typewriter 1.8.3:
What's New in The Magical Typewriter 1.8.3
- • New spell: Black Stones
• New improved controls for the Broomstick
• When you shapeshift into cat form or fly on the broomstick other players will see your name above you
The world of The Magical Typewriter is a rich, vibrant, and beautiful place full of adventure and things to do. Many different objects in the world can be interacted with interesting ways. You can cast different spells with magic wand, fly with your broomstick, write with the magical typewriter to earn coins and brew magic potions. So start your adventure in the magical world now and meet many different characters in your journey.
• Take care of your pet owl
• Use a magic wand to cast spells
• Explore in the magical world
• Chat with players world wide and write in the guestbook
• Meet characters and creatures
• Fly on broomstick
• Brew magic potions and use them
• Solve puzzles and do challenges
• Play piano, chess and other fun things
• Type with the magical typewriter for coins and glory
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